Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Freedom Essays - Freedom Of Expression, Freedom Of Religion

Freedom Essays - Freedom Of Expression, Freedom Of Religion Freedom Have you ever wondered what life at school would be like without freedom? In myopinion I think it would be horrid. Think about it. If we had no freedom we wouldnt be able to do the things we love most, or choose what friends we hang out with. The freedoms we have now we all take for granted. For example, do you even know what your freedoms are? If you dont, then you ought to hear me out so you know in the future what they mean. First of all there are two very specific freedoms that all students and teachers should know and understand. These two freedoms are the very basis for our society. 1)FREEDOM OF SPEECH Freedom of speech is one of the most important freedoms we have because if we didnt have this one we wouldnt be able to speak our minds through speeches in public. This freedom allows us to speak in more ways than one. It allows us to express ourselves through reading, writing, and speaking. Although freedom of speech has its greatness in many ways, it also has a downfall, in which it is abused. For example: Media today can twist this freedom to invade your privacy, which is not a good thing if youre Arnold Shwartzenegger getting out of the shower, and someone takes a picture of you naked and prints it in the local paper. But most of the time this sinerio doesnt occur because theyve come up with laws like the Privacy Act, and so on so this sort of mayhem doesnt happen, but even though laws are made people still break them. 2)FREEDOM OF RELIGION This freedom goes along with freedom of speech yet stands alone in its own category. There are many ways to look at this freedom. It has as many goods as it does bads. You just have to learn how to apply it to you. First Ill list the goods. The gains of this freedom allow you not only to speak your own opinions, but allows you to take it a step further. Example: Lets say you are a Christian, but go to a school where Christianity is looked down upon. Now lets say you have some friends that also attend this school and want to have a lunchtime bible study, but are afraid that the school may suspend you or even worse. Well, it says in the constitution, the rules and regulations our country is based upon, that students may have a bible study in and on school premises as long as it is student led. Teachers may even attend, but cannot participate in the function. This is where a lot can go wrong and things get turned upside down. This is also where some of the bads come into play. This free dom is more a rightstricken than abused law. In other words its more denied than abused. An example of this was written by Rebecca Jones from the American Schoolboard Journal. She wrote, Lillian Gobits Vs Minersville District, in 1940 led some West Virginians to punish Jehovahs Witnesses who refuse to have their children recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school. The Witnesses, she wrote, Were actually herded together and fed castor oil, stripped of their clothes, and forced to walk through town. (Jones 2) Well, about three years later the supreme court reversed itself and ruled that schools could not require the pledge. Its this kind of abuse that turns people away from religion in my opinion. Nothing is more challenging than confronting a well-established myth. A myth, repeated often enough that it takes a hold on peoples imaginations and is all but impossible to get rid of. One such myth is that when it comes to religion in public schools, people For and Against school prayer are engaged in the legal equivalent of Hand-to-hand combat, one side fighting to put God in schools, and the other desperately trying to keep him out. Unfortunately, parents, schools officials, and politicians alike sometimes act as if the myth were fact. Some people ag-on this myth with well-intentioned, but simply wrong statements about what the constitution does and does not permit. House speaker Newt Gingrich, for example, announced a while back that

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others

Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others A great number of articles and psychological investigations are dedicated to the issue of personality traits. However, life’s circumstances as well as typical problems somehow make people all look very much the same. Individuals tend to lose confidence, get easily bewildered and misled. At times, it may even seem that many lose their identity. However, the ability to stand out and achieve personal and professional success greatly depends on the power of one’s spirit coupled with certain personality traits. So, how do you demonstrate your originality without showing off and looking stupid or arrogant? First, self-awareness is important. Know what you want and how you are going to get it. You should be able to set goals and plan how to achieve those goals. Here are some tips on how to be different from others while highlighting your gifts and natural abilities that lead to success. Tip 1. Maintain confidence that you can be successful. First, think in positive terms about your ability to succeed. Avoiding self-doubt and thinking positively increases your chances of becoming successful. Every time you think about good things, like success and prosperity, you will attract them into your life as if you were a magnet. Try this. It works! Tip 2. Stay positive and optimistic. Staying positive and optimistic in ordinary everyday situations is very important as the power of positive thinking can help remove obstacles, making hardships much easier to deal with! Having a positive attitude helps with your level of energy. In addition, you are less likely to accept the situation as it is and more likely to problem-solve if you think something can be done about it. Tip 3. Be well-organized. Your emotional disposition is truly essential. So, pay special attention to the way you arrange your time, address everyday concerns, and plan meetings. Make sure you use your time effectively so that every moment of your life is used in the best possible way. Keep in mind there are no unimportant periods of time or insignificant breaks in terms of ones determination to experience true success! Tip 4. Complete each step in the best possible way. Famous actors often say that There are no minor roles, only minor actors. To apply this idea to everyday life could be interpreted as the need to do any job you have in the best possible way, no matter how unimportant this job may seem, whether delivering the mail, babysitting, or walking someones dog. All actions are important, and a job well-done will continue to pay you in the future through your reputation and recommendations from others. A capable and diligent attitude toward even the smallest and insignificant tasks will develop a professional approach to everything that may come your way in the future. Tip 5. Master communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively with other people can lead to fruitful collaborations. Its impossible to achieve your goals without help from others. Moreover, people eagerly socialize and work with those who have good communicative skills, a willingness to compromise, and respect for other’s opinions (Vail, 2013). Tip 6. Practice the idea of continuing education and strong emotional stamina. Getting involved in the process of self-improvement will keep you on the cutting edge. It will provide you with a fundamental advantage over your competitors with relevant knowledge, experience, and skills. Increasing your emotional stamina is vital. You must be able to reject the emotional pressure from those whose main intention is to discourage you. Often, these individuals are insecure in their own abilities and so they seek to pull you down in an attempt to appear superior to you. Tip 7. Pay attention to your manners and project a positive self-image. The statement that People are likely to treat you the way you treat them works equally well both in business and in personal relationships. Try to be polite on every occasion. Respond in a timely fashion and professional manner to e-mail messages and phone calls. Make your friends, relatives and colleagues feel that you respect them and their points of view. Stress their importance in your life (Vail, 2013). Tip 8. Dont get discouraged by mishaps. No one is perfect. Mishaps occur for everyone, with no exceptions! Learn to take your failures as a significant part of practical experience. Wise people say that Experience is the best teacher. Regardless of whether the experience is positive or negative, you can benefit from the experience. Make good use of it! Tip 9. Stay focused on your goals. Always keep your goals in mind. Choose no more than 3 long-term goals at a time. This number is enough for major projects. Avoid suddenly changing your goals. The ability to concentrate on your aim is likely to sharpen your spirit and build a persistent, strongly-motivated and, thus, successful personality. All these tips are good for helping you to stand out from others and moving toward your aims, making your dreams come true. Be yourself by cultivating the best traits you have. In addition, remain calm and goal-oriented, friendly, and easy-going. Also, demonstrate enthusiasm and let the success and prosperity you deserve enter your life!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church Essay

Vatican Council II and Catechism of the Catholic Church - Essay Example The modern man through appreciation of mystery has encountered challenges due to the lack of faith among the generation. To add on the perception of mystery, Casel states that many things interfere with one’s ability based on the liturgical experience (Casel, 6-9). During this time, you are supposed to take into account good disposition when it comes to the issue of liturgy. Based on the practice of religion, nowadays humanity also termed as Modern man goes against the norm of Christianity. Casel analyses the character of the church and suggest that every Christian should take into account the Sacrosanctum Concilium. The use of sacraments makes them to identify themselves as real Christians and hence the mission and Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ is spread all over the world. The practice of religion has been under siege due to negligence that comes from modern man behaviours as far as church liturgy is of concern. Casel says that the mystery is three things and one meaning that one needs to understand that God is of trinity ( God the father, son and Holy Spirit) and Christianity life is depended on all of them (Flannery, 13-16). 2. In 3-4 paragraphs, explain Casels understanding of the role of worship (liturgy/sacraments) in the mystery of Christ, including the content of the mystery of Christian worship, its sacrificial nature, and the necessity of the rites themselves. It has been noted that Eucharist that is associated by liturgy celebration is an essential moment in the life of a Christian. On this account, the role of worshiping is to unite everyone and having time intimacy with God. As far as the mystery of Christianity is of concern, Casel tells that Christians through worship also known as liturgy that is administered through sacraments, meets God through Body and soul, flesh and spirit in the sacramental life (Hahnenberg, 9-13). Worship, however, makes one encounter the love that God has over us, but this is accompanied by

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Since the early 20th century, ideologies such as Arab nationalism Essay

Since the early 20th century, ideologies such as Arab nationalism Ba'thism and pan-Islamism have enjoyed varying degrees of su - Essay Example Confronted with the obvious failure of Arab ideologies, specifically Arab nationalism, Ba’thist Arab Socialism, and pan-Islamism, to achieve wider Arab unity, several intellectuals resorted yet again to religion. An unnamed writer in Jordan described the experience of the Arab world in the ideological domain throughout the 20th century, and concluded that the Arab world â€Å"never enjoyed a comprehensive ideology except under the State of the Prophet Muhammad and his great Caliphs, Abu-Bakr and Umar† (Rejwan, 1974, p.32). This essay discusses why ideologies such as Arab nationalism, Ba’thism, and pan-Islamism have failed to achieve a wider Arab unity. Arab Nationalism and Arab Unity It was only at the end of the First World War that the relevant concept of the ‘Arab nation’ surfaced and Arab nationalism slowly became a political movement. Intellectuals instead of political figures were at the vanguard of the movement. They adopted the ideology of na tionalism from Europe and they utilised it to break new ground for the Arab nation (Young, Zuelow, & Sturm, 2007). However, Arab nationalism was an utter failure. There were challenging, overwhelming hindrances along its route. Primarily, there were rivalling allegiances to religion, faction, and tribe, as well as opposing identities. Moreover, there was persistent conflict between Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and other regional states and the bigger, inclusive Arab identity. The other, and possibly most unexpected, barrier to the idea of a united Arab world was linguistic differences in the region (Choueiri, 2005). However, the most influential rival of the notion of a secular Arab world was the idea of a unified Islamic community. Islam was one of the grand cosmopolitan ideologies with a right to the loyalty of most Arabs. Islam is more encompassing than pan-Arabism for it did not set apart Arab from non-Arab. The Islamic community was a union wherein ethnic background is irrelevant. Given these profound and persistent rifts and differences, it was an almost unachievable mission to attain the two core goals of Arab nationalism—sovereignty and unity. Another goal was created at the end of the Second World War—to protect Arab ownership of Palestine. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War was the critical stage in the fight for Palestine (Joffe, 1983). It was expected that Arab unity would be built on the combat zone against a single adversary. It was the most important ordeal for the newly autonomous Arab states, but they did not pass the test. The failure of these states to synchronise their military and political campaigns was one of the main reasons for the defeat of Palestine (Podeh, 1999). The hopeful possibilities that emerged once the Arabs conducted war against the Zionist enemies raised disenchantment and anguish over the miserable destruction of Arab Palestine. A very unique aspect of modern-day Arab nation is the startling discrepancy between vision and rea lity. Pan-Arabism is the declared ideology among the powerful elite and the dominant belief among the Arab people, but the Arab nation still struggles with the decline of civil life and deep-rooted disunity. Attempts at political and social unity have been prevented by oppressive situations,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Health History and Examination Essay Example for Free

Health History and Examination Essay Neurological System (headaches, head injuries, dizziness, convulsions, tremors, weakness, numbness, tingling, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, etc., medications): Patient is alert, awake and oriented. Denies headaches, head injuries, dizziness, seizures, tremors, migraine, difficulty in speech and swallowing. No history of falls. Patient does mention that he has numbness and tingling of fingers and toes occasionally. Takes Gabapentin 100mg orally three times a day. Head and Neck (pain, headaches, head/neck injury, neck pain, lumps/swelling, surgeries on head/neck, medications): Patient denies neck or head injuries, denies swelling or lumps on neck and head, Denies neck pain or headaches. Eyes (eye pain, blurred vision, history of crossed eyes, redness/swelling in eyes, watering, tearing, injury/surgery to eye, glaucoma testing, vision test, glasses or contacts, medications): Patient wears eyeglasses that are with him. Bilateral cataract surgery done in June 2013. Regular vision checks after surgery done in November 2013 and at present he is not on any medications at home. Ears (earache or other ear pain, history of ear infections, discharge from ears, history of surgery, difficulty hearing, environmental noise exposure, vertigo, medications): No complaints of ear pain, infection, surgery tinnitus due to noise, or vertigo noted. Not on any medications. Hard of hearing right ear but does not use a hearing aid. Nose, Mouth, and Throat (discharge, sores or lesions, pain, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, sore throat, allergies, surgeries, usual dental care, medications): Denies discharge from nose and throat, denies presence of sores or lesions in the mouth. Denies nose bleeds, bleeding gums, or sore  throat. No known allergies noted. Has upper and lower dentures that patient cleans with Polident tablets daily. History of Tonsillectomy at age 7. Skin, Hair and Nails (skin disease, changes in color, changes in a mole, excessive dryness or moisture, itching, bruising, rash or lesions, recent hair loss, changing nails, environmental hazards/exposures, medications): Patient’s skin color is ethnic. Has some gray hair but no alopecia. Has well groomed nails. Denies skin problems. Particular about usage of moisturizing lotions after bath. Breasts and Axilla (pain or tenderness, lumps, nipple discharge, rash, swelling, trauma or injury to b reast, mammography, breast self-exam, medications): Patient denies any problems with breasts and axilla. Does not perform self-breast examination. Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic System (leg pain, cramps, skin changes in arms or legs, swelling in legs or ankles, swollen glands, medications): Denies leg pain, cramps or discoloration of arms and legs. Complains of occasional swelling on ankles. Takes Lasix 40 mg orally once a day. Cardiovascular System (chest pain or tightness, SOB, cough, swelling of feet or hands, family history of cardiac disease, tire easily, self-history of heart disease, medications): Denies any chest pain or tightness. Denies shortness of breath or weakness. Complains of occasional cough relieved by Robitussin DM 10ml orally every 6 hours as needed. Patient is hypertensive and had an MI in 2005 but denies any history of Congestive Heart Failure. Family history shows that his father died of heart attack at age 75. Patient had an echocardiogram and stress test done last year as outpatient and per patient results were normal. Patient is taking Aspirin 81mg orally daily, Lopressor 25mg orally daily, and Plav ix 75mg orally daily. Thorax and Lungs (cough, SOB, pain on inspiration or expiration, chest pain with breathing, history of lung disease, smoking history, living/working conditions that affect breathing, last TB skin test, flu shot, pneumococcal vaccine, chest x-ray, medications): Has occasional cough that could be due to change of climate. Denies shortness of breath or pain with breathing. Denies smoking and no history of lung disease is noted. Immunized for Influenza and Pneumonia on 10/14/2013. Patient was in ER in March for cough and fever and x-ray of the chest showed no abnormalities at that time. Musculoskeletal System (joint pain; stiffness; swelling, heat, redness in joints; limitation of movement; muscle pain or cramping; deformity of bone or joint; accidents or trauma to bones; back pain;  difficulty with activity of daily living, medications) Denies any symptoms of joint problems and does not take any medications at home. Patient is independent and requires no assistance for activities of daily living. His wife and he take walks on a daily basis for 20 minutes. Gastrointestinal System (change in appetite – increase or loss; difficulty swallowing; foods not tolerated; abdominal pain; nausea or vomiting; frequency of BM; history of GI disease, ulcers, medications) Denies any gastro-intestinal disease, ulcers, or diabetes. Consumes low sodium diet with no added salt three times a day and a bedtime snack. Includes plenty of vegetables and fruits in his diet. No swallowing problems noted. No complaints of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea noted. Patient has daily bowel movement and reports that it is brown in color. Denies use of stool softener or laxative. An Endoscopy and Colonoscopy was done in January 2014 and no abnormalities noted at that time. Genitourinary System (recent change, frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria, polyuria, oliguria, hesitancy or straining, urine color, narrowed stream, incontinence, history of urinary disease, pain in flank, groin, supra pubic region or low back) Denies pain or any urinary problems. Patient verbalizes increased frequency of urination due to Lasix. Patient wakes up twice at night to urinate but he is continent of bladder. Per patient no prostate problem noted. Last prostate exam was done in February 2014. Physical Examination (Comprehensive examination of each system. Record findings.) Neurological System (exam of all 12 cranial nerves, motor and sensory assessments): Patient is awake, alert, and oriented with no memory loss. Patient is calm, cooperative and pleasant. Judgment is intact. Patients speaks clearly and in full sentences. No difficulty noted while speaking. No swallowing problems noted. Patient has a steady gait with full strength. Sensations present in all extremities. Complaints of occasional numbness and tingling of fingers and toes but denies upon examination. Head and Neck (palpate the skull, inspect the neck, inspect the face, palpate the lymph nodes, palpate the trachea, palpate and auscultate the thyroid gland): Skull and neck are normal on examination. No deformities or hematoma noted. No lymph nodes identified on palpation. Adam’s apple present. Trachea is normal on palpation. Eyes (test visual acuity, visual fields, extra ocular muscle  function, inspect external eye struct ures, inspect anterior eyeball structures, inspect ocular fundus): Patient has eyeglasses with him. Patient is able to open and close his eyelids. Pupil is round and reaction to light is constriction to both eyes. Denies any blurring, watering, or tearing of the eyes. No redness or infection noted. Ears (inspect external structure, otocopic examination, inspect tympanic membrane, test hearing acuity): Hard of hearing right ear with no hearing aid. As per patient the physician had recommended hearing aid for the right ear but patient did not wish to use it. Otoscopic examination revealed normal ear canals and eardrums with minimal amount of earwax. Nose, Mouth, and Throat (Inspect and palpate the nose, palpate the sinus area, inspect the mouth, inspect the throat): Nose, mouth and throat are normal on examination. On palpation no pain noted to sinuses. The upper and lower dentures fit well on the patient and do not become loose while talking or chewing. Skin, Hair and Nails (inspect and palpate skin, temperature, moisture, lesions, inspect and palpate hair, distribution, texture, inspect and palpate nails, contour, color, teach self-examination techniques): No skin break down or rashes or lesions noted on inspection of the skin. Color is normal to ethnicity. Skin is warm, dry an d intact. Mucus membranes are pink and moist. Hair is gray and no alopecia noted. Texture of hair is soft to touch, no split ends noted. Kept short and clean. No ingrown nails or cracked nails noted. Nails are well groomed and pink in color. Patient verbalizes examining the skin and nails everyday while taking a shower. Breasts and Axilla (deferred for purpose of class assignment) Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic System (inspect arms, symmetry, pulses; inspect legs, venous pattern, varicosities, pulses, color, swelling, lumps): Bilateral upper extremities are warm, symmetrical with bilateral radial pulses 2+. Bilateral lower extremities are warm, symmetrical without any discoloration. No varicose veins noted. Bilateral pedal pulses 2+. A trace of edema is noted on both ankles and feet. Cardiovascular System (inspect and palpate carotid arteries, jugular venous system, precordium heave or lift, apical impulse; auscultate rate and rhythm; identify S1 and S2, any extra heart sounds, murmur): Carotid arteries are normal with pulse 2+. No jugular vein distension noted. Apical pulse is 82 beats per minute, BP of 150/80 mm of Hg. Heart sounds S1 and S2 are on auscultation. No murmur or extra heart sound noted. EKG shows a  Normal Sinus Rhythm. Thorax and Lungs (inspect thoracic cage, symmetry, tactile fremitus, trachea; palpate symmetrical expansion;, percussion of anterior, lateral and posterior, abnormal breathing sounds): Thoracic cage is normal and symmetrical. No abnormality noted on palpation and percussion. Breath sounds are clear and equal on auscultation in all lung fields. Respirations are even, regular and unlabored. Patient has occasional nonproductive cough relieved by cough medicine. Respiratory rate is 18/minute and Oxygen saturation is 99% on room air. Musculoskeletal System (inspect cervical spine for size, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect shoulders for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect elbows for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect wrist and hands for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect hips for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformi ty, pain, range of motion; inspect knees for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect ankles and feet for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain and range of motion): Cervical spines are normal in size, no pain or deformities noted with full range of motion. Bilateral shoulders are equal in size, no swelling or mass noted. No pain noted on movement of shoulders. Bilateral elbows, wrists and hands are equal in size, with full range of motion and equal in strength. No deformities noted on inspection. Bilateral hips are equal in strength, no swelling or mass noted. No evidence of redness or injury noted. Sacrum is intact. Bilateral lower extremities with full range of motion and equal strength noted. No swelling or deformity noted. Bilateral ankles and feet noted with trace of edema. Gastrointestinal System (contour of abdomen, general symmetry, skin color and condition, pulsation and movement, umbilicus, hair distribution; auscultate bowel sound;, percuss all four quadrants; percuss border of liver; light palpation in all four quadrants– muscle wall, tenderness, enlarged organs, masses, rebound tenderness, CVA tenderness): Abdomen is flat and non-distended. Bowels sounds present in all four quadrants. Abdomen soft and non-tender on palpation. Percussion revealed tympany in all four quadrants. Umbilicus is midline and inverted. Surface of abdomen smooth and even, with homogenous color. No lesions or surgical scars noted. Genitourinary System (deferred for purpose of this  class) FHP Assessment Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern: Patient is alert and oriented, no memory loss. Well educated, and has the ability to read, write and understand information. Patient uses eyeglasses for reading and is hard of hearing right ear. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: Patient eats a low sodium diet with no added salt three times a day with a bedtime snack. Home cooked food with vegetables and fruits included in the diet are his preferences. The patient or his wife prepares the food. The patient and his wife do the food shopping. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern: The patient has three children and 5 grandchildren. He is not interested in sexual activities but loves to spend time with his wife. Pattern of Elimination Patient is continent of bladder and bowel. Urinary frequency is increased due to effect of medication (Lasix). Pattern of Activity and Exercise: Patient is independent in activities of daily living. He is not involved in vigorous exercise but walks daily for 20 minutes along with his wife. Pattern of Sleep and Rest: Patient usually sleeps for 6-7 hours at night with an afternoon nap for 30 minutes. Patient wakes up twice at night to urinate but goes right back to sleep with no difficulty. Patient denies use of sleeping pills. Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: Patient is well dressed and has self-respect and respects others too. He leads a disciplined life with the ability to take care of himself and his wife. He is friendly with his neighbors and is an active participant in church activities Summarize Your Findings (Use format that provides logical progression of assessment.) Situation (reason for seeking care, patient statements): Name: Lawrence Kelly Age/Sex: 72 years/Male Presenting complaints: Increased swelling of ankles and feet, numbness and tingling of fingers and toes, and occasional cough. Background (health and family history, recent observations): History of present complaints: Patient complains of swelling of feet and ankles for 2 weeks with numbness and tingling of fingers and toes. Occasional cough for last one week. Past medical History: Hypertension, MI, Hard of hearing (Right Ear). Medication history: Lasix 40mg orally daily Aspirin 81mg orally daily Plavix 75mg orally daily Lopressor 25mg orally daily Gabapentin 100mg orally three times a day Assessment (assessment of health state or problems, nursing diagnosis): Mr. Lawrence Kelly 72 year old male presented with complaints of swelling of feet and ankles with numbness and tingling of fingers and toes for the past 2 weeks. Occasional cough for the past one week. He is alert, awake and oriented with steady gait. Hard of hearing in the right ear. His vital signs are BP150/80 mm of Hg, Pulse 82, RR 18/minute, and Temp of 98.4. No chest tightness or pain verbalized. Breath sounds are clear and equal in all lung fields. Abdomen soft, non-tender and non-distended. Bowels sounds present in all four quadrants. No difficulty in urination verbalized and color of urine is amber. Trace edema noted on feet and ankles. Pedal pulses is 2+. Nursing Diagnosis: Fluid Volume Excess manifested by edema of feet and ankles. Recommendation (diagnostic evaluation, follow-up care, patient education teaching including health promotion education): Blood tests should be done including Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Vitamin B12 Level, and BNP. X-ray Chest is recommended to find out if patient has CHF Echocardiogram could be repeated as it was done more than 6 months ago Teach the patient to monitor BP, Pulse, Intake and Output, and Daily Weights. Advise the patient to elevate the lower extremities on pillows to reduce  dependent edema Encourage the patient to read food labels on the sodium content Avoid fried foods, canned and frozen foods (Nanda Nursing Interventions, 2012) Provide information about community services such as Heart Center at Barnabas Health, Phone No. 1-888-724-7123 (Barnabas Health, 2013). References: Barnabas Health. (2013). Barnabas Health Heart Centers. Retrieved from and home remedies. Retrieved from Nursing Interventions. (2012). Nursing Interventions for Fluid Volume Excess. Retrieved from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Theme of Fallen Angels Essay -- essays research papers

Losing Innocence: â€Å"Fallen Angels† find the true meaning of war   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Fallen Angels†, written by Walter Dean Myers, is a novel that tells about the story of young boys going into battle during the Vietnam War. There are many themes in â€Å"Fallen Angels† but the main theme is the loss of innocence. The title makes reference to these themes. And the boys in the book have dreams of losing their virginity and drinking alcohol for the first time. They are thrown into a harsh reality when they are shown the trials of war. In the end, they understand that the movies that depict heroicness and honor are just images of a false idea; that war is full of chaos and horror.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The title of â€Å"Fallen Angels† is the greatest indicator of the theme. All of...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Propositions on Poker Machine Addiction Essay

The American Gaming Association (AGA) is a group which represents its members who come from the commercial casino industry. Formed in 1995, the goal of the group is to create awareness and factual understanding of the casino world. The main purpose of the group is to educate the public and its stakeholders about casinos. In the process, it also benefits its members by giving support to them in terms of legislations that affect them and the industry, rules and regulations that they need to be familiar about, and several other assistance while operating their respective enterprises. The AGA also acted as a trusted source of information for media personnel and other industry partners. (About the AGA, 2003, n. p. ) As part of its advocacy, the AGA also highlights responsible gaming as an important element in enjoying casinos. It partners with schools and encourages its members and employees to create awareness on responsible gaming, and identifies the results of irresponsibility within casinos. The AGA started the orange wristband campaign under the â€Å"Keep It Fun† slogan, encouraging gamers to keep casino playing fun and never destructive. The wristband campaign continues to be part of the Responsible Gaming Education Week and Lecture Series, both hosted by the AGA. (Responsible Gaming, 2003, n. p. ) Propositions on Poker Machine Addiction The American Gaming Association submits this document to the Federal Government in response to the inquiry on propositions regarding the community effects of poker machines. Poker machines have been traditional entertainment tools. Since the creation of the first poker machine in the late 1800s, it has become widely identified with bars and liquor shops. (Poker machines history, n. d. , n. p. The availability of poker machines in public places has raised concerns that it might affect family structure. Coleman (1999, n. p. ) reports that in Australia efforts have been made to study the link between family issues and gambling. Poker machines have been pointed out to be the major culprit among all gambling devices. The same issues are present. Noting that poker machines are readily available to all and that getting addicted to it is not impossible, and with an existing statistics of gamblers whose family life has been put at stake because of their addiction to the game, an inquiry has been made on how the issue can be resolved. The first option for many would be to restrain the availability of poker machines. At the most, the machines can even be totally banned. While this is an efficient way to address the issue, there are many considerations that may affect this. Casinos around the world employ thousands of workers, and a deep cut in their revenues may mean an unforeseen increase in unemployment. Also, poker machines and other gambling entertainments remit big tax revenues. In New Orleans, for instance, video poker machines accounted over $200 million in taxes. With such a price tag at stake, it is difficult for the local governments to surrender into banning poker machines. (The Associated Press, 2008, n. p. ) Poker Machines and the World The issues besetting poker machines are not isolated. The same concerns happen all around the world. Actor Russell Crowe moved to ban poker machines in Australia though lost in the voting. (Poker machine ban effort a bust, 2008, n. p. ) The Australian senate, on the other hand, also created the Poker Harm Minimization Bill of 2008, which aims to restrict, limit, and monitor poker machine activities in the country. The dilemma crosses other continents. Poker machines are big hits across Asia too. Thus, poker machines are often blamed to many social problems. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) However, coinciding with this is the fact that poker machine players often have to deal with other problems, as a study of 43,000 Americans have found. It is therefore concluded that making the game unavailable to gamblers with interrelated problems will not solve their addiction. The same is true with thousand of other gamblers around the world. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) Gambling and the Family Considering that a big percentage of 43,000 poker-machine playing Americans who underwent the study have other behavioral problems while addicted to the game, it cannot be disclosed that the family problems are caused by playing poker machines. There is the possibility that poker is their way of escaping from the other stresses in their lives. It can also be said that poker is their way of solving their problem—a player whose family is undergoing financial turmoil may think that poker may give him the luck he has been waiting for to ease his family of financial burdens. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) However, it is acceptable to say that there are many players who have become addicted to the game, and at which point became disconnected with their families, begun failing to judge their finances properly, and miscalculated many personal and financial decisions for the sake of playing. The actual percentages of players who belong to these groups are difficult to tell. Yet, in crediting the existence of these two facets, it is easier to recognize the proper solutions to be carried out by the government. Individual choices Before any legislation, legislators must closely study the profile of poker machine players. In Australia, 62. % of casino players gamble in poker machines. This is a majority of all other casino games and gambling devices. Of these poker machine players, 98% play mainly in casinos and betting clubs. 85. 4% knows that playing the poker machine is a game of chance. Still, 73. 4% can play the machine for up to an hour. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) Here, the behavior of players can be seen. It also shows that the wide availability of poker machines elsewhere does little to affect the betting behavior of players, as majority plays mainly on betting clubs. It can be alarming, though, that gamers can sit and bet in the machine for up to an hour. Thus, this requires a close look. Gamers also have different reasons for playing. For the majority, playing the poker machine is purely to entertain themselves. It was a way to let time pass. A small percentage of the respondents (21. 4%) played for hopes to win. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) This dispels the second facet presented herein, where it has been theorized that some players play poker machines for money. It can be associated that because majority of the players see poker machines as a game of luck, there is no certainty of winning or gaining money with it. In a personal level, respondents who play poker machines have been found to be between 18 and 34 years old. They are singles in the sense that they have never married. Thus, they may have relationships. Majority of them do not have dependents. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) This questions the validity of the argument that poker machines break families. With a majority of players without families or living under circumstances of broken families already, it is notable to discuss that poker machines may not be causing the family problems to begin with. The other issues besetting the players should likely be causing the complications, and thus should be addressed as well. Proposed Implementations The Australian study is a comprehensive view of the profiles of poker machine gamers. However, it is difficult to pattern implementations in other counties with this single study. A rigorous study for each country or state is needed, for which solutions should be patterned. On the other hand, given that these findings are also true elsewhere, the AGA proposes the following strategies for implementation. With these, it is expected that the Federal Government will be able to find ways to decrease or eliminate the claimed probable causes of poker machines as destructive agents to families. Bet and Time limit Hills (n. d. , n. p. ) assert that a player can bet up to $2 per spin and play up to 200 spins per hour. Finding that majority of poker gamers can sit and bet for up to an hour, it is recommended that time restriction be implemented. A player can bet on a machine for up to the approved maximum time only. This ensures that the player will not be too absorbed in the game and will remain conscious about his betting behavior and betting practices. Coinciding with this, there should also be a limit on the bets that one can play in a specific set. If the maximum bet for the day has been reached, the player should stop even if the game is less than the maximum allowed. Support for Gaming Advocacies Currently, the American Gaming Association has education drives to combat gaming addiction. While the program has been successful in places where it has been introduced, the group needs the additional mileage that the Federal Government can provide. The support will also mean more people knowing about the campaign and educated about the ill effects of addictive gambling. It covers both prevention of gaming addiction and cure. Conclusion Many studies have associated gambling with breakage in family ties. With majority of gamblers playing poker machines, the device has become a point of contention. The local government, however, cannot decide on the proper move considering that a bog percentage of community revenues come from the machines. The Federal Government’s inquiry helped assess the situation. It paved the way to reconciling the benefits of poker machines in terms of the financial help that it is offering and the pre-meditated bad effects that it is highly addictive and that it affects families. A thorough study of gamers is necessary. From their profiles, proper actions can be made. Limits on betting and play can help, as well as support in the education drives such as that of the American Gaming Association. This way, the machines can continue helping the community while avoiding any destructive effect it may have with families.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Critical response to ‘Z for Zachariah’ Essay

The book I read is ‘Z for Zachariah’ by Robert C. O’Brien. I enjoyed this book because it contained few but excellent characters and is full of mystery and suspense. ‘Z for Zachariah’ is about a sixteen-year-old girl, called Ann Burden who thinks she is the only person to survive a nuclear war. However, as her diary entries progress, you learn of a person in a green suit who is pulling what looks like a trailer covered with the same green material as the suit approaching Ann Burden’s valley. Later in the diary you find out that the person is a man who had been an industrial chemist before the war, working for the Government designing a suit to protect people in the event of a nuclear explosion. His name is Mr Loomis and he is wearing the only one of these suits. When Mr Loomis finally arrives in the valley, he is amazed by the fact that there is water, which appears to be safe but Mr Loomis makes one severe mistake. When he checks the water for the level of radiation with his Geiger counter he in fact checks the clean water in the stream but then goes on to venture further down the valley, where he finds Ann Burden’s home where the polluted Burden Creek is nearby. Once Mr Loomis has seen inside Ann’s house (where Ann has cleverly hidden any clues that could show the visitor that there has been people living there recently) he then proceeds towards Burden Creek in the hope of getting his first bath in probably months. However, not realising that the stream and Creek are not connected and in fact the Creek runs into the valley from over the hill where the pollution is, he jumps right in. Within a very short period of time after Mr Loomis has had his bath he became very ill, as he had been exposed to a lot of radiation. When Mr Loomis becomes sick Ann then realises she will have to help him and that is when she first shows herself. Ann’s diary entries take you through the events that happen when she is and is not in the company of Mr Loomis. My favourite part of the book is the first three diary entries. In these diary entries Mr Loomis has not yet arrived in the valley however Ann has seen smoke from over the hill for three days, which she presumes is from a human made fire because it is in a thin column that it rises. The smoke comes at the same time everyday, in late afternoon. Each afternoon the smoke is nearer to Ann’s home. I like this part of the book the most because in it you find out what it has been like for Ann being alone for so long because her family left her to look for other people and had never returned. It is interesting to read Ann’s thoughts of being excited and scared that she may in fact not be the only person left in the world. It is obvious why Ann would be excited about someone else coming into the valley but maybe not so clear why she would be scared. Ann is scared because after the nuclear explosion some radio stations had still broadcasted, but towards the end of them broadcasting the presenters seemed to be going crazy. Here is a quote from the second diary entry which will explain why Ann is scared â€Å"Suppose a car came over the hill, and I ran out, and whoever was in it got out – suppose he was crazy? Or suppose it was someone mean, or cruel, and brutal? A murderer? What could I do?† After this quote, you realise that Ann is a very sensible and careful person because she decides to move her things to a cave nearby her home and make it look as though no one has lived in her house. That way she can watch whoever is coming into her valley and if they are crazy or mean she can stay in the cave unbeknown to the visitor and wait until they leave. At the end of the third diary entry Ann has still not seen anyone but knows that they are camping at the crossroads and exploring North, South, East, West and when they come into the South they will find Ann’s valley. The most remarkable character in the book I think is Ann Burden. She is careful, mature, kind, helpful, sensible, confused, and strategic/logical. In the following paragraph I will explain why Ann Burden is all of the things I have just said: The reason I think Ann is careful is because when Mr Loomis is first entering the valley she goes to the cave to live there as she does not know if Mr Loomis is ‘safe.’ During the book ‘Z for Zachariah’ you realise that in fact even though Ann is only sixteen she is more mature than Mr Loomis who is quite a bit older than Ann. The proof that shows this, is all of the words I am using to describe her and she also thinks about having children to begin the human-race again. The words kind, helpful and sensible describe Ann well because when Mr Loomis is ill with radiation poisoning she helps him and is kind to him even though he’s a stranger. Also Ann still helps Mr Loomis after he tried to rape her – she gives him half of everything i.e. eggs, milk and chicken and lets him have the comforts of her home while she moves into the cave. It is obvious that Ann is confused, as she does not know why Mr Loomis is being so horrible to her especially when she has done everything she can to be nice to him and to help him. The last words to describe Ann are strategic and logical; I think these words describe Ann well because when she does not want Mr Loomis to find her she thinks about what he can and cannot see e.g. when she builds a fire she thinks about where and how to build it so Mr Loomis can’t see it – she also thinks about what time of the day to light it. The style of ‘Z for Zachariah’ is in diary form. Throughout the book there were not many figures of speech, however, there were a few similes, here is a quote from the book that describes Ann’s dog Faro when he has returned from the dead lands where there is radiation, in it there is a simile â€Å"as thin as a skeleton.† The structure of ‘Z for Zachariah’ is in chronological order, each event happening in an order that makes sense and makes the story more intense and interesting. During the book, there is not much direct speech as the genre of the book is in diary form so it contains more of the thoughts and feelings of Ann Burden. The themes in the book are effects of modern technology, survival, dominance, bullying, age against youth, optimism/realism, breeding, art v science and religion v atheism. In the following sentences, I will discuss the themes that occur in ‘Z for Zachariah.’ The first theme ‘effects of modern technology’ is the theme that allowed the story to occur because nothing in the book would have happened had there not been a nuclear explosion. The themes of survival, dominance and age against youth are all linked together and are in a way very similar to each other. These three themes are perhaps the strongest and most occurring ones throughout the book, I will explain why: survival of course is going to be a major issue, Ann is the one who thinks about this the most having thought of growing her own crops, so when the supplies run out in the shop she will still have food to survive, and that is just one example. Throughout the book Mr Loomis tries to be the stereotypical ‘Alpha male,’ he wants everything to be done his own way and to be done by him. For example when Ann said she would go into the town with the safe suit to collect books, even though Mr Loomis is still ill he refuses to let her go, perhaps thinking she is incapable or he could have been worried she wouldn’t come back with the safe suit, although I think the first scenario is more likely. The only time Mr Loomis seemed to let Ann do things her way is when he could not do things for himself, however, he never admitted it. ‘Age against youth’ is another strong theme as throughout the book you realise that Mr Loomis even though he is older he is not always wiser and more mature, in fact Ann is definitely the more mature of the two characters. Optimism and realism are two words that can explain Ann and Mr Loomis’ completely different personalities. Ann being the optimist who thinks that the results of an action will always be good and Mr Loomis being the realist he makes decisions based on facts and not on false hope. Throughout the book breeding is a theme, but more with Ann – she thinks towards the future and beginning the human-race again. The theme of art v science is one that occurs throughout the book. As Ann is interested in art and Mr Loomis is interested in science, a few quarrels occur between them. However, ‘quarrels’ is perhaps the wrong word because Mr Loomis always seemed to get his own way. Again, I will use the example of when Ann wanted to use the safe suit to collect some engineering and physics books for Mr Loomis; she also suggested that she get some for herself. Such as poetry. Yet Mr Loomis refused and said, â€Å"You could not go. Understand that. Keep away from the suit. Never touch it.† After Mr Loomis had given Ann his lecture, she could not understand why he had become so angry. It was alright if he wanted something but as soon as Ann wanted something to do with her interests, it was too much of a risk. Religion v atheism is a theme in the book. Ann being the religious one and Mr Loomis the atheist. I don’t think Ann is strongly religious, I just think she finds going to the church and praying a ‘comforting factor.’ Earlier I said Mr Loomis is an atheist. This means that he doesn’t believe that any god or gods exist, therefore he does not understand why Ann would want to go to the church and ‘waste her time’ praying. I enjoyed this book because there were few characters, which allowed you to get to know them better. I also liked the style of the book being in diary form because you didn’t have to read the minute by minute accounts of what is happening in the book you only get to read the exciting and more intense parts which would be written in a diary. The thing that made the book a little boring was the fact that there weren’t many different figures of speech. The length I though was too long, some parts of the book seemed to be dragged out to give it a longer length, for example when Mr Loomis is sick the book got a little boring because in the diary entries you really were only told what Ann had did that day, there wasn’t enough character interaction. One thing that I thought ruined the book was the ending, I thought it was exciting when you were told that there was hope that there could be other people still living and you wanted to keep reading and know if there was anyone else out there, but it just stopped. Taking the entire book into account my opinion is that it is quite good as I think it gives a good insight into what could happen if there is a nuclear explosion – it is realistic.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Critique of Les Miserables essays

Critique of Les Miserables essays The story begins with a convict named Jean Valjean searching for food and shelter after working in a prison camp. No one would let them into their house because he was a convict. I felt bad for him through this because people judged him right away and he didnt seem like such a bad person. He finally found shelter in Bishops house, but through the night he left and stole all of their silverware. He escapes, but is caught by some police. He explained to them that he was given all of this by the Bishop. Naturally they didnt believe him, so they brought him back to the Bishops house. Once they got there the Bishop backed up what he said and told the police to let him go. So Valjean is free to go. You get the feeling from this that he is going to be a totally different person. To hide away from his past convict life, he created a new identity and was a wealthy mayor in a small town. He hid out there for a longtime. Then he met a prostitute named Fantine who he started to fall i n love with. She got very sick and was trying to support her young daughter so he helped her out. During this time an officer, named Javert, who knew Valjean when he was in the camp recognized him. Then he was brought in the clear when another man was brought in. Everyone thought that was Valjean. Around this time Fantine dies and Valjean promises to go get her daughter and take care of her. This part was really sad knowing how hard she worked to support her daughter. Valjean heard about this innocent guy being put into jail and decided to go tell the court the truth. He went and told everyone that he was in fact Valjean. I found this part to be very noble, but somewhat unbelievable. He threw his whole new life away after working so hard to bury his past. After he told the court he ran for his life and while fleeing he picked up Fantines daughter, Cosette. In the musical version of this movie Coset ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Reasons Teaching Might Not Be For You

5 Reasons Teaching Might Not Be For You Teaching can be immensely fulfilling work. The idea of shaping young minds and guiding kids toward their own futures (not to mention having summers off) leads a lot of people into the teaching field. However, not everyone is cut out for this kind of work. The last thing you want is to discover that you aren’t up to the task while standing in front of a class your first day on the job. It’s best to decide whether or not you’re teacher material before even pursuing a degree in education. Here are 5 issues that may make you decide that teaching is not for you.1. You’re not adaptable.One plus one will always equal two. The alphabet will always start with A and end with Z. World War II will always begin in 1939. The information you teach may never change, but the way you teach it certainly will. Perhaps your particular administration will demand you rewrite that lesson plan you submitted or the school’s curriculum has changed. Perhaps what works for a cl ass of well-behaved students will not work for an unruly one. A teacher must be able to adapt to any number of predictable and unpredictable situations. If you don’t think you’re sufficiently flexible, then teaching probably isn’t for you.2. You don’t like homework.Your students won’t be the only ones who’ll have tons of homework. A teacher’s workday rarely ends at the sound of the bell. There will be papers and tests to grade and lesson plans to prepare. Excited to have your summers off? Well, don’t get too excited, because your summers will be spent doing professional development work and getting ready for the next school year.3. You are not 100% comfortable with kids.As they say, kids can be cruel. And they don’t just pick on each other. Students may have it in for their teachers as well, and the monkey-see-monkey-do nature of the classroom may lead good kids to mimic the behavior of the bad ones. Before you know it, your class is out of control and it’s your job to rein it in. Some people have an innate ability to do this. They are natural-born teachers. However, if the thought of playing zookeeper to a room full of squealing, nasty (and perhaps even insulting) young people sounds terrible to you, you may want to choose another career path.4. You want to get rich.Do you want to make loads of money? Well, you aren’t going to get rich as a teacher. The average starting salary of a teacher in the U.S. is just $36,000, and teachers can spend hundreds of out-of-pocket dollars on class supplies. That isn’t to say that the job is not rewarding in countless other ways, or that the worth of a job is measured by the amount of a paycheck, but if making bank is your ultimate goal you’ll unfortunately have to look elsewhere.5. You can’t deal with parents.Maybe you love the kids†¦ but the parents? Not so much. This can be a real problem, since a teacher’s job of ten involves managing parents. When it comes to their children’s educations, parents can get pretty emotional or downright out of control. You might have a mom yelling at you or a dad breaking down in tears. Upping the â€Å"ick factor,† a parent might even hit on you. Such situations are tricky to navigate, and you never want to blame the student for a parent’s inappropriate behavior. If you become a teacher because you think kids are a dream and adults are a nightmare, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise when you have to deal with both on a regular basis.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How Local Merchants Can Work Together to Slow the Money in Ashland Essay

How Local Merchants Can Work Together to Slow the Money in Ashland - Essay Example This will circulate the money within the boundaries of Ashland and the profits generated by the local businesses would benefit the economy as a whole in terms of business expansions and growth. The merchants have started their businesses in Ashland for the convenience of residency they have in Ashland. They had put in their finances in different businesses like food, clothing etc. to make all necessary products available in the market for the people. For a success in business, Ashland’s entrepreneurs need to invest wisely in the business that has more demand and less supply. The reputation of businesses and awareness about ‘slow money’ ideas to develop the economy of Ashland is necessary to attract more local consumers. The local economy, with the help of proper marketing of the products, services and awareness about local circularization of money to improve the economy, would grow. The local merchants support each other as they have maintained good relationships between them. They may work together to improve the social and economic conditions of Ashland and reduce the crime rates, disputes and poverty that prevail

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Xbox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Xbox - Essay Example As everyone knows by now, Nintendo was the company that pioneered the cutting edge gaming consoles that we know of today. With its trendsetting Nintendo Family console systems, they redefined the way that we play video games via its motion sensor game system, the Wii. However, the Wii has recently fallen to the roadside as stiffer competition from the Sony Playstation and Microsoft Xbox began to offer better graphics, game play, and game titles. The Wii is perfect for entry level gamers but could prove to be a bore to the more serious game players. That is why game console experts do not recommend the Wii (Bakalar â€Å"Which Game Console Should You Buy?†) to: Those who are looking for a game console that doubles as an all-purpose entertainment hub, want state-of-the-art HD graphics, enjoy a robust online community, and/or those who prefer a wide selection of adult-targeted titles. In other words, you can get your feet wet in the Wii but dont expect to take a serious swim in it. Specially since the Wii has already been retired by Nintendo in favor of the newer but Wii U which has yet to catch on with the gaming market. The second serious motion gaming contender is the Playstation Move. Although its motion wand is nothing that should leave the Wii shaking in its wake, it does offer better graphics capabilities and game play than the pioneering console. Cnet Australia ranked this particular console as one of those destined to gather dust bunnies on your entertainment shelf due the limited motion gaming titles and problematic motion sensing system that results in a more complicated gaming system because: .. it also requires a camera to be installed near the TV, which wont actually be used for most PS3 games. It requires a few feet of distance to use, but most games only register the controllers motion, not yours... (Stein &Ackerman â€Å"Xbox 360 Kinect vs. PlayStation Move vs. Nintendo Wii Remote